Cladding and Window installation

Value:  £1.5M
Working through Covid19 in factory and laboratory areas, that supply product to the NHS.

The Problem

Heat loss and reduction of the same was one of the themes for this project. The Pandemic hit the supply chain of key suppliers to the project. We had to source alternative suppliers in short timescales. Our customer provided vital product to the NHS, this delivery could not be compromised.

The Solution

Heat loss calculations were presented regarding our design for cladding and windows. Our information improved the thermal insulation and improved the carbon footprint status of the site. To combat the negative effects of the Pandemic we met daily and carried out rigid testing of our installers, this coupled with washing ‘stations’ at every entrance to the work fronts, helped prevent Covid19 from effecting the project or staff and contractors.


Diligently monitoring and testing staff weekly, acting quickly, washing at every entry to work fronts (dedicated wash cabins), distancing, reducing collective groups, ventilating areas and always wearing masks, multiple cabins and lessening group sizes. By our specific efforts, we worked together and lessened risk to infection, thus saving the continued supply chain of NHS products. Equally our project improved the carbon footprint of the site be improving the building fabric not to lose heat, thus reducing heating costs. We reduced heating bills with improved insulation design from the cladding and window selection.