Building and Process Services installed to new Production and R&D Facility N.Wales.

Value:  £2.5M
Installing M&E services for Building and Process Services to multiple Isolators (Glove boxes) with demanding extraction. Also included and key to the operation was the supply, installation and setting to work of multiple air handling units. 

The Problem

The design was being carried out by third parties by order of the customer and it was delivered in parallel to construction tasks. Due to the fast-track construction ordered by the client this was a demanding project. A late design brought challenges and the need to work closely with Designer and Supervisor. Weekly change and cooperation of all parties played a significant role in this project.

The Solution

Site Managers for Mechanical, Electrical and Civil works were deployed by Hunter as engineering leads. Working party meetings held each morning, as designs were delivered by customers agents. Site modifications were approved and implemented to success deliver the job. 


Successfully installed in 2021. Services from neighbouring plant was shared with work on this project. It was carried out with limited head room and access. Extensive surveys, site measures and reviews were carried out an implemented.